
Want Healthy? Don't do this Harm Things 6 after eating, Because it will harm you.

Each person must have had a habit and not the same way he does after finished eating. There's a sit-down dessert while eating, drinking coffee, or even snack snackingto another.

Though the routine was impressed lightly, but many among them are counterproductive with the intention of beginning your meal, with the flow of your body, as well as further endanger health.

Some experts already advise as well as warnings by making a list of the events you can not you do after eating. When you want to protect your body continues to be healthy, stay away from doing this sort of thing every 6 days after you eat:


Sleep immediately after eating is absolutely not good for your digestion, because in a position lying gastric acid in the stomach can not work properly. When these routines are done continuously, over time it can bring your digestive issues except of course the threat of belly and overweight.


True what our parents have to say. They forbid us to immediately refresh to the pool or to the beach time on vacation shortly after we eat.

Some experts warn that the same applies to shower. 

This kind of thing, because water can increase blood flow to the body, especially the hands and feet. Shortly after eating the blood enters the stomach where the digestion takes place. Blood flow is necessary to ensure the digestive system acts in a way. Until the 2nd thing can be ' confusing ' to your body and slowly bring the issue on the digestion.

Eat fruit

This frequently took place, eating fruit after a great meal as well as a clean mouth! Some people say that the fruit that is healthy desserts. Though the fruit is a type of food that can be prepared quickly, so when we consume it immediately after eating, they will dwell long in the stomach, fermented and resulted in gas and toxins that can cause cellulite.

While most good eating fruit that is one or two hours before the meal. So, eat the fruit when the stomach is empty. This can also avoid you from overeating.

Loosen the belt

Almost entirely of us have this routine, but this sort of thing could lead to entanglement in the intestines and can slow down digestion. However, there is another argument to stop doing this kind of thing-after loosening the belt, you are eating more and more food!

Drinking Tea

Drinking tea after meal will interfere with the digestive organs because of the tea leaf-shaped acid up to revamp the Agency's power to process the food. Acid from teaalso make proteins we asup harder processed.
Tea also contain polyphenols and tannins which bind iron in foods as well as makes it hard to be absorbed. Though, for pregnant women and children, namely the mainmineral of iron.


After dinner digestive system works on all body, if you immediately smoked so oxygen in the blood will immediately bind to nicotine, and subjugate them more easily.
This is why there are opinions that convey that smoking one rod after meal is equivalent to smoking 10 rods. Although it is still debated, but smoking on any real time is indeed not good for health.

Drinking Ice Water

Ice cold water certainly would be very refreshing if drunk after eating food, especially hot and spicy food. But behind the freshness, ice water turns out to be mengggangu the digestive system food. Ice cold water will freeze the food especially fatty foods. The fat that the freeze will be buried in the gut and cause narrowing of the channel-the digestive tract, which in turn will cause obesity and abdominal bloating. Therefore, we recommend that you replace the usual ice water you consume after meals with warm water, especially when consuming fatty foods.

The streets

Not a few people who thought that with a walk after a meal, it will accelerate the process of food digestion. But in fact it is absolutely not true. A walk after meals thus inhibiting digestive systems absorb nutrients in food, so that the nutrients obtainedour body becomes not the maximum. In addition, it runs directly after a meal can also spend energy food that we just eat without stored first. It is recommended to wait for approximately 15 minutes after dinner to walk.

Having sex

After eating then automatically our stomach will be full. Therefore as reported by from healthmeup.com then you are advised not to have sex because it will cause severe abdominal cramps.

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