
Be alert! These 7 Signs liver do not work with Normal

The heart is an organ which is vital for the human body. When the function and it works is problematic, body health will be compromised. Even the failure of the heart can cause death.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as quoted from brightside.me, around 610,000 people died of diseases related heart each year in the United States. Men and women could be stricken with heart disease for various reasons having to do with a certain lifestyle.

Let us not panic easily solved problems related to heart, yuk we know a number of signs of the heart does not work normally. By understanding these signs we can at least take more care and precaution in order to soon do not condition the more severe.

1. Pain in the arm area
Many men who have experienced pain in his left arm while women experience pain in one or both arms. A number of men also reveal experience pain in the elbow before got a heart attack. This happens because of the pain in the heart up to the spine where many nerves connected, making the brain ' confused ' and think there is pain in the arm.

2. Cough that never stops
A cough can be a symptom of many diseases, one of which is cardiovascular disease. Cough that never stopped a rather fluid and accompanied redness is the most common symptom of heart failure. But no need to panic just yet if you experience coughing Yes ladies, since the cause could be due to various factors.

3. Swelling in the legs or ankles
When the heart is not beating normally, the fluid from the blood vessels can seep into the surrounding tissue. Legs, feet, and ankles could be most affected due to gravity. Although these symptoms do not always lead to heart disease, but need to watch out for if you experience these symptoms.

4. reduced appetite and/or nausea
Many patients suffering from heart disease show symptoms less appetite and/or accompanied by nausea. This can happen due to a buildup of fluid around the liver and intestinal organ interfere with the digestive process. Usually these symptoms are also accompanied by abdominal pain.

5. Very easily agitated
Quoted from citeseerx.ist.psu.edu, a number of studies find that people who experience extreme anxiety prone got heart disease. Restlessness or anxiety caused by a stressful lifestyle and also other distractions. A number of the impact of these conditions could include a rise in blood pressure, decreased heart rate, and tachycardia (disorders of the heart rate is faster than the normal state).

6. Loss of consciousness or fainting
When the heart is unable to pump blood properly, this can be caused by obstructed blood flow blocked arteries or narrowing of the heart valves. If you are frequently out of breath or passing out easily, immediately contact your doctor to check the condition of your welfare.

7. The skin looks pale makin
The skin looks more pale can be caused due to a reduced blood flow and decrease in the number of red blood cells because heart doesn't pump blood properly. A pale apparition can be seen all over the body or specific areas of the body. But dont panic easily if you need to experience it for ya ladies, because this condition could be caused by other factors such as anemia or experienced because of the shock.

It last seven public signs can lead to problems or disorders of the heart. If you are experiencing these signs or often have most of the symptoms above, immediate consultations to the doctor to get a proper handling Yes.

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